Condor Tracker

Condor Tracker intends to allow sailplanes postition display during Condor flights.

First of all, this tool is designed for learning and entertainment but not for cheating!

To work, a software needs to run on same host as the Condor server is running. This software is sending sailplanes informations regulary to this Condor Tracker web site. Then your Google map or Google Earth retrive the data from this web site. Nothing needs to run on Condor client side.

To prevent cheating Condor tracker will only be distributed to major Condor flight hoster who proved there serious. If you think you are one of them and want to use Condor Tracker on your server please contact me. If you host a Condor server with Condor tracking activated you must inform all pilots that this flight is tracked by Condor Tracker.

See tracked flights in Google maps or better in Google Earth

© 2009 - Sébastien Chaumontet